6th May: just pre-launch

Returning to this, having survived the whirlwind of preparing and editing the final manuscript drafts. Words, both more and less, as suggestions have led to changes in several components. I think I am happy with the version now to be officially launched in a few weeks. The last months involved lots of sorting figures and also the permissions, trying to balance ones I have drawn myself, with ones I wanted PUP to develop further. There were lots of discussions about what the cover should look like, and several versions. In the end it’s hard as an author to do more than raise questions, as I always feel publishers should know more about what will work best for getting a book seen and read. I have been liaising with publicists in the UK and USA on who might be interested in the themes raised in the book, and why. Since a number of the more intriguing ideas had to be cut from the book, or reduced to brief thoughts as they were not central to the main message, I have been developing a number of side opinion pieces. AI am still discussing several of these with magazines and journals, and the first came out last month as a longer piece in La Recherche (see Avril 2018 edition). Also it appears that physical copies of the book launched before I even knew about it – a colleague texted me to say he didn’t know I’d written a book and he just bought it in Heffers bookshop. A few people have provided early feedback, mostly saying how much it has made them think (hopefully this is good!). It feels as if I should gird myself for battle, but I’m not sure what battle.