January 2017 progress

I have finally got around to working more on the data for this book. I submitted the full manuscript just before Christmas which was my hard deadline. Hard to believe that 8 months went by so quickly, but I managed to feel good about the many comments I had from helpful readers. I have reached a balanced place, able to more confidently decide which comments to ignore and which to take on board. Of course, many of the comments are completely contradictory, reflecting the range of generous people who put time into reading this manuscript. Now I am awaiting the reviewers that the publisher commissioned  to get back with their judgements. I am not really clear what to expect. Most useful from my point of view would be a few helpful suggestions for changes (very few I hope, and also not dramatically out of character with what I am trying to do), and a carefully thought out analysis of the market for it and the best approach. Somehow I suspect this is not what I will get. I have no idea of the publishers’ schedule either, or of what might be going to happen in the next year. So for now there is a quieter space where I can proceed with tethering data to some sort of organisation in the website, which will hopefully form some sort of useful resource, or ongoing basis for discussion.